Winter, East Fork Jemez River

A detailed wilderness. Nice!

Jonathan Keeton Artist Blog

A couple of winters ago, I went through the canyon of the Jemez River near Valles Caldera in New Mexico. I wore some cheap waders and some good crampons, as the landscape was filled with ice and snow. This is a watercolor towards the end of the day from pretty far in the canyon, but out of the rocks. I had been following a coyote for most of the way, and wanted to include his (her) tracks. Here are some of the stagesof the painting along the way.

DSC03742 It’s always tricky knowing how to begin a complicated scene. In this case, I put in some of the foreground snow and the warm reflection on the water before starting on the trees.

DSC03771 Some of the darker trees in the middle are indicated, and the pattern of ripples on the water. 

DSC05741.jpg This gives an indication of the slow process of painting the…

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About Bob

Patco Arts/Patco Arts Blog/WP Blog It All....sit back - relax and enjoy it all. Thanks for the visit!
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1 Response to Winter, East Fork Jemez River

  1. sedge808 says:

    you are so talented


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